Thursday, July 8, 2010

Tool Belt

Look at me go, posting 2 days in a row! (and rhyming!)
Last week I finally had the chance to make a project that I found online and have been dying to try.
It is a fabric crafting tool belt, made for one of my friends for whom we had a "tool shower" during her bachelorette party.

The pattern I found online only called for one row of pockets, but I figured that the more pockets the better on something like this. It was easy enough to add more pockets, after adding the first row of pockets, I simply stitched along the same lines with a smaller strip of fabric to add the next row. The last row (flower fabric) is simply divided into 2 pockets, best for larger or bulkier items.

I had a lot of fun picking the fabrics for the tool belt, knowing that I wanted to use shades of blue and many different patterns. The bride to be was very pleased with the final result, and I was glad to see that it did in fact fit many tools.

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